

02 | BIM Fundamentals

In “BIM Fundamentals,” you learn briefly and concisely the theoretical foundations of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The acquired knowledge is necessary to complete the further course modules


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01 - Content of the BIM Fundamentals course

Module structure

02 – BIM Fundamentals is briefly about teaching the theoretical basics of Building Information Modeling (BIM). The theory on BIM forms the cornerstone for starting the BIM trainer. The knowledge gained is necessary for a basic understanding in order to assume the respective roles of BIM author, BIM overall coordinator, BIM managers and ultimately BIM user in the trainer's further course modules.

Contents of the module

The first module of your journey through the BIM Trainer provides an overview of BIM. Starting with an introduction to the definition and development of BIM, you will introduce to the advantages for clients and operators, as well as the advantages for companies. So, we understand that it is important to deal with BIM strategies and understand the resulting BIM goals and use cases. It also explains how you have to position yourself technologically to contribute to the open and closed BIM approach. In addition, knowledge of client information requirements (AIA) is imparted, which will be further intoduced gradually in the following course modules, depending on the role in the BIM process.

Objectives of the module

·       Introduction to the basics of working according to Building Information Modeling (BIM)

·       Understanding of the need for Client Information Requirements (AIA)

·       Knowledge of the advantages of dealing with digital building models

·       Teaching important terms that play a key role in the BIM process

·       Understanding of the individual BIM roles in the BIM process and how they fit together

Required theory

·      AIA – Client Information Requirements

·      BCF - BIM Collaboration Format

·      BIM – Building Information Modeling

·      BIM author

·      BIM coordinator

·      BIM manager

·      BIM user

·      BIM advantages for clients and operators

·      BIM benefits for companies

·      BMC - BIM-based model check

·      CDE (Common Data Environment)

·      DLG - Digital delivery items

·      IFC (Indutry Foundation Classes)

·      Development of BIM

·      little, big, open, closed BIM

·      LoD, LoI, LoG

·      LoIN (Level of Information Need)

·      MacLeamy Kurve

·      Modeling guideline

·      Role descriptions

Fundamentals 02 - BIM-Theory 1

What is BIM?

One often hears the question “What is BIM?” in connection with Building Information Modeling. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) describes BIM in the step-by-step plan for digital planning and construction as follows:

„Building Information Modeling refers to a cooperative working methodology which, based on digital models of a building, the information and data relevant to its life cycle that are consistently recorded, managed and exchanged in transparent communication between those involved or handed over for further processing.” (as of December 2015)

To simple, BIM represents a cooperative way of working in which everyone involved in a construction project works together and collects and organizes important information and data in digital models to ensure transparent communication between everyone involved.

Uniform application through defined guidelines

Since BIM is an advanced and complex type of work methodology, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) has developed the VDI guidelines for the uniform application of BIM. It determines all norms, rules and standards. It serves as a guide and guidance for engineers, architects and other professionals who want to integrate BIM into their projects. All descriptions of BIM can be found in VDI 2552 Sheet 2. BIM is described there as follows:

„Method for the planning, construction and operation of buildings with a partnership approach based on a centralized provision of information for shared use."

Note: The building model is the primary tool that supports the way of working and is used to manage information (e.g. time, costs, usage data). BIM is not a software package, but a working method that facilitates both project management and collaboration in all phases of a building's life.

03 - BIM in Germany

The introduction of BIM

BIM Germany - The Center for the Digitalization of Construction It can be inferred that the beginnings the use of BIM for federal construction projects in the year 2013 Go back: Back then, with the”Reform Commission Construction of Major Projects“a round table of stakeholders from economy, science and politics launched, with target to develop a strategy for more efficiency, Cost- and Adherence to deadlines for major projects in the construction sector. On BIM Germany, the goal of BIM is defined as follows:

“It is the stated goal of the Federal Government to help BIM achieve a breakthrough in Germany. Roadmaps have therefore been drawn up for how BIM can be successfully used in construction and civil engineering, water and rail construction projects.” (BIM Germany)

In Video tutorial The beginnings of the introduction of BIM in Germany are summarized in more detail.

It is also known from the general media that there have been numerous troubles when complying with Cost- and time budgets chez Large-scale construction projects:

At the Elbphilharmonie Construction costs were initially reduced to 77 million € appreciated. However, in the course of implementation, the costs exploded to approx. 789 million €, so that the Elbphilharmonie is now one of the most expensive Belongs to buildings in the world.

There was a similar cost explosion on Berlin Airport BER took place. Originally, the building was built on approx. €2.46 billion calculated. It was realized with 6.5 billion €, one Cost increase of 264%.

Even in the case of a major transport and urban development project Stuttgart21 Construction costs exploded from €2.46 billion on estimated 6.5 billion €.

By difficulties in the Compliance with time and cost budgets During the planning and implementation of major construction projects, new paths can be found to expenses, Construction times and in general technical coordination processes To be able to better predict and plan in the future, which will lead us to the next chapter 04 Advantages and Disadvantages brings.
04 - Advantages and Disadvantages

The MacLeamy Curve

For many experts, it was not immediately clear in the awareness-raising phase, i.e. the early introduction phase of BIM, what the advantages and disadvantages of the BIM methodology should be. The American architect Patrick MacLeamy then roughly sketched in a curve diagram what influence BIM has on costs and change costs. This sketch resulted in the MacLeamy curve, which describes the use of resources in relation to time and the influence of costs along the HOAI performance phases and compares the traditional planning process with the integrative BIM planning process.

The MacLeamy curve is explained in more detail in the video tutorial.

You can find more information about Patrick MacLeamy here.

Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

The biggest effort With the help of BIM, there is modeling of a digital building model, i.e. in the digital representation of a certain level of performance in the form of geometric and alphanumeric information, which is to be displayed in a computer model. Provided that the digital building model has been consistently recorded and coordinated, BIM offers numerous benefits for the construction industry when all project participants work closely together.

Overall, the introduction of BIM can Increase efficiency, Reduce costs And the Improve the quality of construction projects. However, it is important, the challenges and investments in changeover to consider.

05 - Strategies & Objectives

Increasing quality, efficiency and cost control

A BIM strategy can be viewed as a strategic approach to implementing digital technologies in construction. It aims to improve the quality, efficiency and cost control in the planning, construction and operation of construction projects.

It is imagined that many people involved in a BIM project work together to solve professional and technical problems and coordinate them together. For the collaboration to run smoothly, it is important to set a clear roadmap (strategy) to determine when and how coordination should take place and, above all, what needs to be agreed before the actual BIM project begins.

BIM goals

BIM projects pursue various goals to improve efficiency, quality and sustainability in construction. These goals vary depending on the project type, organization and individual requirements. The choice of goals depends on the specific challenges and goals of the respective BIM project.

Some examples of BIM project goals are explained in the video tutorial.

06 - Use cases

Clear delineation and assessment of effort

BIM use cases are specific processes that help achieve specified goals using BIM models. They serve to define areas of responsibility in which BIM can be used in companies or projects. These use cases enable a clear demarcation and assessment of the effort.

Profile of a use case

All use cases support higher-level goals such as increasing efficiency, improving quality and collaborating in the construction process. Each use case has a short profile that summarizes the most important features.

Here are a few examples of BIM use cases:

  • Inventory capture: Collection of information about existing buildings or infrastructure
  • Planning variant investigation: Examination of different planning approaches and variants
  • Visualizations: Creation of visual representations for presentations and communicatio
  • Design and verification: Calculation and verification for components and constructions
  • Coordination of the specialist trades: Coordination between different trades in the construction industry
  • Planning progress control: Monitoring the project progress during the planning phase
  • Creation of design and approval plans: Generation of plans for design and approval phase

Further information can be found on the BIM Germany homepage.

07 - Open and Closed BIM

The meaning of the term interoperability

The Mittelstand-Digital initiative, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), emphasizes the importance of interoperability. It enables different systems and software programs to work together across the board or, ideally, seamlessly.

Various software programs are used in BIM projects, including CAD applications such as Revit, Allplan and ArchiCAD, as well as model checking tools such as Solibri or Desite, and specialist applications such as BIM360, BIM plus, Oracle or thinkProject. There are various approaches to facilitate the exchange of information between these applications, including coupling using proprietary interfaces or exchanging via open file formats such as Industry Foundation Classes (IFC).

A total of four basic approaches (little, big, open, closed BIM) to interoperability were considered, which are explained in more detail in the tutorial video.

08 - AIA

Client information requirements (AIA)

The client information requirements (AIA) are an essential part of BIM projects. They serve to determine the client's information needs. The AIA specifically describes what information the contractor must provide at certain times and in what quality.

An AIA essentially consists of the following content points, which can be seen in the graphic:

Further information about AIA can be found on the BIM Germany homepage. A sample for a more detailed insight into the AIA can also be accessed via BIM Germany.

BIM Execution Plan (BAP)

A BIM execution plan (BAP) is a living document that the contractor (AN) creates to implement the BIM requirements of the client (CL) in the project. He refers to the AIA, which were established in advance. The BAP is not a rigid document, but is updated and adjusted over the project period.

The essential points of a BAP are summarized in the following graphic:

In the following chapters you will learn more about the following terms, which play a key role in the BIM process and are used in most cases.

All terms are also available in our BIM-Glossary.

·      BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

·      BIM-based model check (BMC)

·      Common Data Environment (CDE)

·      Digital delivery items (DLG)

·      Industry Foundation Clases (IFC)

·      Level of Development (LoD, LoG, LoI)

·      Modeling Guideline

·      Role descriptions

09 - Level of Development (LOD, LOI, LOIN, LOG)

The model (requirements) depth

The detailed, execution-ready 3D model forms the core of the BIM-based working method. BIM offers outstanding potential for more efficient construction projects through better planning. The digital building model is the central source of all information and processes and enables well-founded decisions based on a solid data basis.

The Level of Development (LOD) describes the level of development of the components of a building model. LOD provides information about the level of geometric detail of the parts of a building model in different performance phases and how reliable is the alphanumeric information of individual components in the building model

The American Institute of Architecture (AIA) defines five basic levels from LOD 100 to LOD 400. These range from the purely conceptual or graphical representation of the model (LOD 100) to the “as-plant” execution mode (LOD 400) or the work - and assembly mode (LOD 500). LOD also enables an assessment of how reliable the information is in a building model.

Explanation of the graphic

The Level of Development (LOD) is fundamental for project understanding and determines the degree of completion of the model, which in turn determines the level of detail of the individual model elements. The scale ranges from LoD 100 to 500, with higher numbers indicating higher levels of detail. It is important to emphasize that the LOD is not a time frame, but a measure of the percentage of completion.

The Level of Geometry (LOG) refers to the geometric requirements for the representation of components and their detailing in the planning model. The Level of Information (LoI), on the other hand, defines the alphanumeric information requirements for the components. Both are categorized independently in levels 100 to 500. LoG describes the geometric content of the model, while LoI specifies the information content of the components.

The LOI describes the alphanumeric information readiness level, including attributes such as materials, fire ratings and U-values. The LOG describes the geometric information readiness level, often stated in scale. Elements in the building model must comply with a specific LOD (degree of completion), which depends on the performance phase and specialist discipline. The LOD is considered the sum of LOG and LOI. Additionally, the Level of Information Need (LoIN) defines the extent and granularity of information requirements related to LoD, LoG and LoI.

The next chapter continues with the model guidelines.

10 - Modelling guideline

Framework and conditions for creating 3D models

Modeling guidelines define the framework and conditions for creating models. They include standards and best practices for organizing and managing digital models of buildings or infrastructure. Your goal is to ensure that BIM models are consistent, interoperable and understandable for all project participants.

These guidelines introduce various aspects such as geometric accuracy, object parameters, uniform classification systems, file formats and exchange standards, as well as the Level of Development (LOD) for different project phases. Additionally, they include instructions on BIM coordination, naming conventions, structuring files and objects, versioning and change management, data security and privacy, as well as training and providing training resources for project stakeholders.

In the BIM Execution Plan (BAP), the company-specific modeling guidelines must be combined into a project-specific set. It is necessary to make adjustments to model creation and further processing in the participating companies to ensure that the guidelines are implemented effectively.

Example aspects for defining a modeling guideline

1. Geometry quality of the building model:

The modeling guideline defines how elements in the model are to be designed. For example, how foundations, foundations or external wall connections should be modeled. For example, rising components - such as columns and walls - must be modeled floor by floor in order to further use the information if necessary to simulate the construction process from the model.

2. Reference points in the building model:

It determines where certain reference points are located in the model, e.g. B. the position of 0.00 for the floors (top edge of the finished floor OKFF or top edge of the raw ceiling OKRD) or the unchangeable fixed point of the coordination body, for model transfer between the different disciplines.

3. Handling multi-layer model elements:

Depending on the selected level of geometry, some model elements, such as walls, ceilings and roofs, must be represented in their individual layers. There are various technical modeling methods for this, which are recorded in a modeling guideline.

4. General model regulations:

Furthermore, information on the axis grid, materials, textures and hatching as well as schematic representation and labeling can be specified in a modeling guideline, which the modelers must adhere to.

Every architecture and planning office that uses digital planning tools and works in a future-proof manner using the (manufacturer and software-neutral) OpenBIM method develops individual modeling guidelines. These are adapted to internal processes and optimized for the exchange of information with external partners. It is advisable to only specify basic requirements in the modeling guideline.

Further information on modeling guidelines can be found on the homepage of the BIM Institute at the Bergischen Universität Wuppertal.

11 - Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

(Industry Foundation Classes) is a standardized, open data format that is used to record and transmit comprehensive building information. Since its development in 1995 by buildingSMART international as an integral part of the openBIM standard, it has continued to gain in importance. Since being recognized as an officia ISO standard in 2013 (ISO 16739), IFC has undergone regular updates to meet the needs of the changing construction industry.

The latest version, IFC4, enables detailed representation of various elements in building construction, including walls, ceilings, columns, doors and windows. With a view to future development, it is planned that IFC5 will enable the integration of infrastructure areas such as roads, rails, bridges and tunnels as well as the corresponding route alignment (Ifc Alignment).

IFC ensures manufacturer-neutral transmission of building information and is used as a reference standard by many national BIM standards. The structure of IFC includes the location structure, the functional structure and the material structure. Each element is identified by a unique identifier (GUID) and characterized using Psets (Property Sets).

Through a detailed functional structure, building elements such as walls, ceilings, columns, doors and windows are classified according to their function. Each classification is designed to optimize representation of its specific features and geometry and is supported by specific psets such as Pset_WallCommon or Pset_DoorCommon. These psets can also span multiple element classes at the same time, such as the Pset Warranty.

12 - BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

Communicating “problems” in a BIM mode

BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) is an open data format that facilitates model-based communication. The BCF format was originally developed in 2009 by Solibri Inc. and Tekla Corporation and was later recognized as an integral part of the openBIM standard by buildingSMART International.

The main function of BCF is to enable smooth information exchange during the work process between different BIM software products, based on the IFC exchange format. This promotes transparent communication of issues and changes.

BCF 2.1, which is the most current version, opens the possibility of transferring model-related annotations (issues), information about the affected model elements (using object GUIDs) and reproducible screen excerpts between different BIM-applications.

The main goal of BCF is to optimize coordination through model-based communication. Precise information about model problems such as problem reports, status, location, viewing direction, component, comments, user, time and changes in the IFC data model can be exchanged in a targeted manner. The focus is on transmitting marked information instead of the entire model to ensure efficient communication in the BIM process.

BCF is seamlessly integrated into all common BIM applications, although special additional modules (add-ons) may be required for advanced functions. Future versions are aimed at expanding the functionality by transferring properties between different models.

13 - Common Data Environment (CDE)

The CDE (Common Data Environment) forms a crucial cornerstone for efficient collaboration during project implementation and is usually provided by the client. A professional client optimizes his entire portfolio using a CDE in order to minimize setup costs and at the same time take advantage of the advantages of central data storage and uniform structuring.

In general, a CDE is a web-based platform that brings the entire planning team together and supports the integration of various applications. Integrated collaboration platforms are used within specific specialist disciplines, which enable collaboration within specific applications. This includes features such as real-time collaboration down to the element or feature level.

The benefits of a common CDE solution and corresponding workflows include controlled access to project information, clearly defined exchange processes, clearly defined document and model statuses and transparent communication. Furthermore, responsibility for information within each information container lies with the producing organizational unit. Shareable information containers reduce the time and cost of producing coordinated information, and a complete audit trail of information creation is available for use during and after every project execution and asset management activity.

14 - BIM roles

BIM roles and their meaning

Building Information Modeling is primarily an IT-based work methodology in which digital information is recorded, stored, shared and further processed. In order for the digital information transfer and the model-based coordination process to function smoothly, in addition to the traditional professions - such as architect, civil engineer and technical building supplier - other roles are involved in the BIM process in order to collect, check, evaluate, release and approve information to use.

The graphic shows the most important roles and their main activities.

It is important to note that the exact tasks may vary depending on the office structure and project.

Coherence of roles

The interaction and authority between the different BIM roles can vary depending on the project and organization. Here are some general guidelines:

BIM manager:

The BIM manager is usually the highest authority and is responsible for the strategic planning and monitoring of all BIM processes. He sets the direction and ensures that the client's BIM goals are achieved. The BIM manager can issue instructions to all other BIM roles.

BIM overall coordinator:

The overall BIM coordinator works closely with the BIM manager. The managemer is responsible for coordinating all BIM planning on the part of the contractors. If there are conflicts or there is a need for coordination, the overall BIM coordinator can make decisions.

BIM coordinator:

The BIM coordinator works with the overall BIM coordinator and other specialist planners. The managemer is responsible for coordinating orders within the company's internal BIM model. If there are conflicts or there is a need for coordination, the BIM coordinator can suggest solutions.

BIM author:

The BIM author creates and models the BIM models. He works closely with other specialist planners to ensure detailed specialist planning. The BIM author can make changes to the model to resolve conflicts.

BIM user:

BIM users use the BIM models agreed by the overall BIM coordinator for their respective tasks. You exchange information with other project participants. BIM users can share feedback and requirements with the BIM authors via the overall BIM coordinator.

It is important to emphasize that collaboration and authority in a BIM project should be based on good communication and clear agreements. Each role contributes to the success of the project by completing its specific tasks.

15 - BIM Fundamentals Quiz

Almost there!

You have gone through all chapters of BIM Fundamentals and have now reached the end of the first course module. Before you continue with the next module - 03 I BIM Author - and you get into practice, there is still one hurdle to overcome. The final quiz is intended to test your knowledge and make it clear that you have everything you need with you to continue your journey to become a BIM author so that nothing goes wrong.

Registration & implementation

You can register for the quiz using the link or scan the QR code with any device so you can take the quiz from anywhere.

Click here for the QUIZ







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