

03 | BIM Author

The “BIM author” teaches practice-oriented skills in 3D modelling. Here, knowledge in the area of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is acquired independently through hands-on exercises to create 3D models.


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01 - [GENERAL] - Content of the BIM Author module

Module construction

The first step is to learn how to model from the architect's point of view. The model is then statically checked and adjusted. Finally, as a BIM author, we will model the TGA for our building.

Role description

The BIM author is responsible for creating and editing the BIM model. He designs the model, adds data to it or edits it. The BIM author is often also referred to as the BIM designer or BIM modeler, although the author covers a broader range of topics than just modeling. The author should always consult with the coordinator about the modeling guideline and AIA coordinate. This module teaches the author the necessary skills in the specialist disciplines of architecture, structural engineering and building services engineering. It is extremely helpful for the role of the BIM author to know all specialist disciplines in order to ensure a goal-oriented and collaborative working method between the individual specialist disciplines of the BIM author.

Content of the module

Using a simple single-family house, students learn how to model and attribute in a BIM-compliant manner. Using the Client information requirements (AIA for short) the modeling is based on the desired model quality by following the specified modeling guidelines and the Model requirement depth (LOD, LOI,LODN) interpreted and implemented. The level of performance is monitored in accordance with the open BIM approach via IFC exported. Changes are saved using the BCF-Formats into the selected CAD tool. The revised performance status is then made available to the project participants in IFC format. Furthermore, the module offers the opportunity to get to know several CAD software programs in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different software programs.

Objectives of the module

  • Knowledge of the tasks of a BIM author
  • Modelling a simple building using a BIM-certified CAD tool
  • Interpreting and implementing an AIA
  • Interpretation and implementation of the modelling guideline and the model requirement depth (LOD, LOI, LODN)
  • Create a digital delivery item as an IFC file
  • Carrying out an audit using the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)

Theory required for this module

The following theoretical components are required to complete this module.

02 - [AA] - Task for the BIM author


In the BIM author's module, a subtask for the respective discipline must be completed. There is one task for architecture [AA], one for statics [AS] and one for building technology [AM]. The first step is to create the architectural model as a BIM author. To do this, the appropriate software (Revit or ArchiCAD), the reference plans, and the AIA must be downloaded. These can be found via the download button on this page.

The task of architecture

Based on the reference plans and the AIA, model the building in BIM-certified software, in this case Revit or ArchiCAD, and export the model as an IFC file.

Modelliere auf Grundlage der Referenzpläne und der AIA das Gebäude in einer BIM-zertifizierten Software, in diesem Fall Revit oder ArchiCAD, nach und exportiere das Modell als IFC Datei

Specifically, the task includes the following steps:

  1. Download & read AIA
  2. Download reference plans & building and component requirements
  3. Select and install software
  4. Create a new project
  5. Link reference plans and create coordination bodies
  6. Model start-up
  7. Model bullet
  8. Model roof
  9. Place rooms
  10. Exporting a file
  11. Uploading DLG to CDE


The client information requirements (AIA for short) determine when, by whom and in what quality information is delivered. For more information about AIA, click here: AIA - Client Information Requirements. The AIA for this module will be downloaded via the download button. Password: recharge downloads

Knowledge of AIA is essential for the rest of the module. Without knowing the AIA for this project, it is impossible to proceed.

Password: aufladendownloads

03 - [AA] - Software for the BIM author


The purpose of BIM software is to improve the planning, construction and management of buildings. This is done by creating a digital twin of the real building: a 3D model that brings together all relevant construction information. Everyone involved in construction — from architects and engineers to construction managers and facility managers — works with this model, which enables seamless collaboration over the entire life cycle of the building.

However, it's important to note that not all BIM software solutions are the same. Currently, a single BIM program does not cover the entire project process, but only fulfills specific areas of responsibility. For example, architects create a 3D model of the building, engineers carry out structural planning and facility managers plan management and maintenance. Software can only be regarded as BIM software if it combines at least all relevant data on a common platform. In addition, good BIM programs work parametrically, which means that they link and relate all building components together.

BIM software for authors in the discipline of architecture [AA]

For our course, we use the software tools Revit 2024 (or later) or ArchiCAD for architecture. Both tools lead to the same goal. It is an advantage to be able to use several software tools in order to get to know the different functions. We therefore recommend completing the course with both tools. To continue, the software must be installed.


After logging in to Autodesk, Revit can be downloaded from the following link:


ArchiCAD can be downloaded from the following link:

Coordination body

It is necessary to test the positioning of the individual compartment models and the interfaces used before starting the modeling work and to coordinate and check them during use! The coordination body is an object that is used to visually check the positioning of the individual specialist models in the coordination software. It is placed on the project zero point at the start of the project, set up and must not be moved during the course of the project. To coordinate the individual submodels, each BIM author must place a coordination object in the respective authoring software. The coordinated placement may not be changed. This ensures that the exchange of IFC models in all CAD authoring programs is based on the same local model coordinates as the project progresses. This is helpful for the IFC import and for the subsequent IFC overlay to form a coordination model

Create a template file (Revit)

The first step is to create a template file for our software. The coordination body and origin are defined in this file.

  1. Place the coordination body on the coordinates [0,0,0]
  2. Place axis point at [20,20,0]

04 - [AA] - Create a file, use a template and read reference plans

First steps for authors in the discipline of architecture

To start the task, the corresponding BIM-certified software is opened and a new project is created. The reference plans are then linked to the file and levels and grid lines are set on the basis of these.

Create a file and use a template (Revit)

At the beginning, a new project is created in Revit. Here we use the provided .rte template file, which can be downloaded using the download button below. The password for this is: aufladendownloads.

For more input on creating files and using templates, this can nugget be involved.

Create a file and use a template (ArchiCAD)

At the beginning, a new project is created in ArchiCAD.

For more input on creating files and using templates, this can nugget be involved.

Download and read reference plans (Revit)

Once the project has been created, the levels for our building can be adjusted. The correct heights of the levels can be derived from the task or the reference plan. The axle grid can be adjusted at the same time. The positioning of the grid can also be derived from the task or the reference plan.

Download and read reference plans (ArchiCAD)

Once the project has been created, the levels for our building can be adjusted. The correct heights of the levels can be derived from the task or the reference plan. The axle grid can be adjusted at the same time. The positioning of the grid can also be derived from the task or the reference plan.

Password: aufladendownloads

05 - [AA] - Create layers and grids

Levels (Revit)

Layers form the backbone of the model in Revit. Each element in the model is assigned to a level and positioned by linking to these layers to determine its placement in three-dimensional space. Layers are also intended to create top views of the model, which makes modeling and navigating the model easier.

In the modeling process, it is therefore necessary to assign each component or object in the entire project to the correct level. The correct references of components are also in the modeling guideline described.

Create layers and grids

1. Place layers

Before we start modeling geometry, we first place the missing planes according to the reference plans. To do this, we call up a section and can place the missing layers in the project for now.

2. Rename layers and set heights

Once the level has been placed, its height and name may need to be adjusted. You can change both parameters at any time.

3. Place grid lines

Gridlines can be placed next. These are similar to planes, but vertically and without mandatory dependency.

Create layers and grids in Revit

Create layers and grids in ArchiCAD

06 - [AA] - Model a foundation

Modeling guidelines

A modeling guideline is an important working basis in the BIM process that ensures that all software solutions used for the construction project interpret the plans and model information correctly. It is at least as important as the client information requirements and the BIM execution plan. The modeling guideline describes the defined framework conditions for creating a data model within a project. Compliance with the guideline is essential for consistent and uniform information management.

This course covers the most important rules of the modeling guideline. These include:

  • coordination body
  • storeys
  • Placement of model elements
  • Multi-layered model elements
  • baselines

Model start-up

1. Model the foundation

For the first step of modeling, we start with the foundation. The exact dimensions and positions of the foundation must be drawn up in accordance with the reference plans from the task. Care must be taken to select the correct components and their labeling and attribution. To learn more about the foundation function in Revit, you can use this nugget: Revit - Advanced

2. Model base plate

Once the foundation is correctly placed, the base plate including the layer of cleanliness is modelled. The exact dimensions and positions of the components must be created in accordance with the reference plans from the task. To learn more about the floor feature in Revit, this nugget can be added: Revit - Beginner

3. Model insulation

Finally, the insulation is modelled around the foundation. The exact dimensions and positions of the components must be created in accordance with the reference plans from the task. To learn more about the floor feature in Revit, this nugget can be added: Revit - Beginner

Model a foundation in Revit

Model a foundation in ArchiCAD

Create properties for classification in ArchiCAD

Startup file

Should it troubles when setting the layers and grids or when using the template file, A start file with these settings can be downloaded under the download button.

Password: aufladendownloads

07 - [AA] - Modeling a storey


The detailed, execution-ready 3D model forms the core of the BIM-based working method. BIM offers outstanding potential for more efficient construction projects through better planning. The digital building model is the central source of all information and processes and enables well-founded decisions to be made on a solid data basis. The terminology LOD, LOG, LOI and LOIN are explained in this course and will be required later on.

Model bullet

1. Model walls

Once the foundation has been successfully modelled, the walls can be placed on this basis. The exact dimensions and positions of the walls must be drawn up in accordance with the reference plans from the task. It is important to ensure that the walls are referenced correctly.

2. Place doors & windows

Once the walls on the ground floor have been modelled, doors and windows can be placed in them. The exact dimensions and positions of the doors and windows must be drawn up in accordance with the reference plans from the task.

3. Model the floor

Finally, the floor in the rooms is modelled. The exact dimensions and positions of the components must be created in accordance with the reference plans from the task.

Model a storey in Revit

Model a storey in ArchiCAD

08 - [AA] - Model roof

Model roof

1. Model ceiling

To close the building, we first model the concrete ceiling. This is analogous to the base plate.

2. Model roof edge

In order to form the roof shape, we next model the roof edge. This is analogous to wall modelling.

3. Model insulation

In the penultimate modelling step, the roof must be insulated. The exact dimensions and slope of the insulation must be drawn up in accordance with the reference plans from the task.

4. Model attic profile

To complete the model, the attic panel is modelled along the edge of the roof. The exact dimensions and positions of the profile must be created in accordance with the reference plans from the task. To learn more about the general component function in Revit, you can use this nugget: Revit - Beginner

Model a roof in Revit

Model a roof in ArchiCAD

09 - [AA] - Place rooms

Place rooms

1. Place rooms

First, the room solid must be placed in enclosed spaces.

2. adjust room separation if necessary

In order to be able to read out the exact area of the room, openings for doors and windows must be manually adjusted.

3. Define room information

In the last step, the information is entered into the room stamp.

Place rooms in Revit

Place rooms in ArchiCAD

10 - [AA] - IFC Export


IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is a standardized, open data format that is used to record and transfer comprehensive building information. Since its development in 1995 by buildingSMART international As an integral part of the openBIM standard, it has continuously gained in importance. Since its recognition as an official ISO-Standard in 2013 (ISO 16739)IFC is regularly updated to meet the requirements of the changing construction industry.

The latest version, IFC4, allows the detailed presentation of various elements in building construction, including walls, ceilings, columns, doors and windows.

IFC guarantees a Vendor-neutral transmission of building information and is used as a reference standard by many national BIM standards. The structure of IFC comprises the location structure, the functional structure and the material structure. Each element is identified by a unique identifier (GUID) identified and analyzed with the help of Psets (Property Sets) characterized.

A detailed functional structure is used to classify building elements such as walls, ceilings, columns, doors and windows according to their function. Each classification is designed for an optimized representation of its specific characteristics and geometry and is supported by specific Psets such as Pset_WallCommon or Pset_DoorCommon are supported. These Psets can also include several element classes at the same time, such as Pset_Warranty.

IFC - Exporting

1. Export entire model

Export the entire building model as an IFC file using the export function.

2. Select IFC standard

For the architecture model, we use the IFC4 Architecture Standard. In addition, we export an IFC 2x3 for the [AS] and [AM] task. With Revit, it is important to overwrite the Pset preferences with the file, which can be downloaded using the download button below. PW recharge downloads

3. If necessary, upload IFC to the CDE

In the penultimate modelling step, the roof must be insulated. The exact dimensions and slope of the insulation must be drawn up in accordance with the reference plans from the task.

IFC - Exporting to Revit [Quix]

IFC - Importing and Configuring Psets in Revt [Quix]

IFC - Exporting to Revit

IFC - Exporting to ArchiCAD

11 - [GENERAL] - Uploading digital delivery items to the CDE

Digital deliverables

As part of the contractor's provision of services, digital delivery items (DLG for short) must be created, checked against the requirements and handed over to the client in the required format. The delivery items, delivery times and data exchange requirements are specified by the client in an AIA, although details can be made in connection with coordination of the BIM processing plan between client and contractor. The DLGs are usually uploaded to a CDE and compiled.

Here are a few steps and considerations:

1. BIM modeling: The creation of BIM models is key. This includes the modeling of building components, structures, installations and other relevant elements. The models can be created in various software applications such as Autodesk Revit, ArchiCAD or Tekla.

2. Data integration: The models must be enriched with relevant information, e.g. materials, dimensions, costs, manufacturer data and maintenance requirements. This can be done by linking models with databases or external sources.

3. Collaboration: Collaboration between project participants is crucial. Architects, engineers, contractors and others need to integrate their models and share information.

4. Documentation: The digital delivery items should be documented in a structured form. This can be in the form of reports, lists, tables or specific file formats such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).

5. Quality control: The models created must be checked for accuracy, completeness and consistency. This can be done manually or automatically.

6. Delivery times: The digital deliverables should be provided at specific points in the project, e.g. during the planning, execution and operation phases.

7. File naming conventions: It is important to use standardized file naming conventions to make it easier to identify and access the digital delivery items.

As part of the Contractor's service provision, digital delivery items shall be created, checked against the requirements and handed over to the Client in the required format. The delivery items, delivery times and data exchange requirements shall be specified by the Client in a AIA specified, whereby in connection with a reconciliation of the BIM execution plan between the client and the contractor. The DLG are generally based on a CDE upload and compile.

The creation and management of digital deliverables is a complex process that requires close collaboration between project stakeholders. It is important to define clear requirements and standards to ensure that the information created meets the needs of the project.


The CDE (Common Data Environment) is a key pillar for efficient collaboration during project implementation and is usually provided by the client. A professional client optimizes its entire portfolio via a CDE in order to minimize set-up costs and at the same time benefit from the advantages of central data storage and uniform structuring.

Upload digital delivery items to the CDE

ATTENTION! This step is only possible and necessary with access to the CDE. Access is available upon request from the CHARGING team.

12 - [AS] - task for the BIM author

Task for the BIM author in the discipline of structural engineer

Export the load-bearing components of project section B3, in accordance with AIA, to your design software and carry out static proofs using the design model. Ideally, use proprietary interfaces, such as Revit and Dlubal. Change the geometry of one or more load-bearing components in the design software and transfer the changes back to your specialist model structure. Then modify the properties of the specialized model structure in accordance with the AIA in the LOIN chapter. Export the technical model structure as an IFC file and save it in accordance with the file name conventions specified in the AIA (chapter 6.1.1).

Task Structural Engineer

  1. Open the model in Revit
  2. Open Dlubal in parallel
  3. Transfer model
  4. Carry out the measurement
  5. Transfer changes to the native model
  6. Add position numbers to supporting component objects

Password: recharge downloads

13 - [AS] - software for the BIM author


By incorporating simulation into the design process, companies can streamline their workflows. This eliminates unnecessary sequential design and analysis iterations that are common in traditional, isolated companies. With CAE, teams spend less time designing and more time developing. “[]

BIM software for authors in the discipline of structural engineering [AS]

For our course, we use the software tools Revit 2022 and Dlubal for structural design.


After logging in to Autodesk, Revit can be downloaded from the following link:

Click here for detailed instructions.


Under the download button, you can find the click tutorial to install Dlubal or use the data center network licenses for the installation using the HRZ-Novell app on our local desktop PCs (enter Dlubal in the search field).  

Password: recharge downloads

14 - [AS] - Static calculation of the structural model

Static calculation of the structural model

Watch the videos below for the bidirectional exchange between Revit and Dlubal.

NOTE: Use Revit version 2022, as the Dlubal plug-in has not yet been adapted to Revit version 2024. The Revit 24 IFC can be imported into Revit 22 for this purpose.

You can find out more about bidirectional exchange here.

At the bottom of the page, you'll find a click tutorial with instructions on how to use RStab, if the model has already been transferred.

Transfer from native model to analysis model

1. Exporting a model from Revit
In the first step, the model is exported using the Dlubal plugin. The export settings should be adopted according to the click tutorial (libraries can be ignored).

2. Create model data in Dlubal
Once the model has been imported into Dlubal, the model data is created according to the click tutorial.

3. Plausibility check
In the next step, we carry out a plausibility check.

Idealizing the analysis model

1. Checking the knot spacing
We look at the node distances and check the X and Y coordinate data with regard to the outer edges of the geometry in the Revit model.

2. Review of storage conditions
In the following, it is important to define the support condition statically correct. In our case, we will define all supports as rigid to simplify matters.

3. Review of joint formation
Finally, the component joints are checked. If these are present, they are also defined as rigid for simplification.

load combination

1. Apply dead weights and adjust gravity correctly
First, the dead load of the components is applied

2. Deploy payloads
The live loads are then applied (e.g. traffic loads, snow loads, wind loads, etc.). In our case, we will apply a fictitious live load that can be freely selected.

3. Create load combinations
In the model data, we have already set Dlubal to generate load combinations automatically. We will use this function in this step.

Carry out the measurement

1. Calculate model
To calculate the structure now, click on the “Calculate all” button or select the “Calculate all” function in the “Calculate” menu. The structure now calculates the deformation based on the applied loads and the relevant load combinations.

2. Change cross section
Provided that all cross-sections are able to absorb the loads acting on them, the thickness of the reinforced concrete ceiling should nevertheless be increased.

Transfer from analysis model to native model

1. Importing a model into Revit

Finally, the modified model is imported back into Revit.

2. Add position numbers

Add position numbers to the supporting component objects in accordance with AIA [LOIN attachment].

Tutorial for bi-directional exchange from Revit to RfEm

Tutorial for bi-directional exchange from Revit to RStab

15 - [GENERAL] - Uploading digital deliverables to the CDE

Upload digital delivery items to the CDE

ATTENTION! This step is only possible and necessary with access to the CDE. Access is available upon request from the CHARGING team.

16 - [AM] - task for the BIM author

MEP task

Modelliere auf Grundlage des erstellten Gebäudemodells aus der Architekturaufgabe [AA] und der AIA die Dachentwässerung und exportiere das Modell als IFC Datei .

Specifically, the task includes the following steps:

  1. Create a new project with an MEP template
  2. link an IFC file from [AA]
  3. Place drain component
  4. Model pipe and pipe connection
  5. Exporting a file
17 - [AM] - software for the BIM author

BIM software for authors in the discipline MEP [AM]

For our course, we use the Revit 2024 (or later) building technology software tool. There are a variety of software tools in this area that cannot be covered in this module.


After logging in to Autodesk, Revit can be downloaded from the following link:

Click here for detailed instructions.

First steps for the BIM author [AM]

The next step is to create a new file with the MEP template and link the building model. To do so, click “Next” at the bottom.

18 - [AM] - link IFC file

First steps for the author in the MEP discipline

To start the task, the corresponding BIM-certified software is opened and a new project is created using the MEP template. The IFC is then linked to the project from the [AA] architecture module. Using the announced model, roof drainage can be modelled.

Create a file with a template and link to IFC (Revit)

At the beginning, a new project is created in Revit. Here we use the provided .rte template file, which can be downloaded using the download button below. The password for this is: recharge downloads.

Once the file has been created, the IFC is linked. If your own is faulty or not available, it can also be downloaded via the download button.

For more input on creating files and using templates, this can nugget be involved.

Password: recharge downloads

19 - [AM] - modelling drainage

Model drainage

1. Place the roof drain

The roof drain component is placed in the lowest part of the slope insulation at a distance of 10 cm from the attic. As a result, the pipe sticks out of the building on the long side.

2. Model pipes

From the drain, a pipe is led down the axis in the template file

3. Place connector

A connector is placed on the downpipe. The component must have the correct pipe dimensions.

4. Connect pipes to connector

All components can now be connected together

IFC - export file

1. Exporting IFC

The loaded IFC is released again and only the file is exported as an IFC 4 Reference View [Building Supply].

Model drainage and export IFC

20 - [GENERAL] - Upload delivery items to the CDE

Upload digital delivery items to the CDE

ATTENTION! This step is only possible and necessary with access to the CDE. Access is available upon request from the CHARGING team.







disclaimer: The software solutions presented on this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended as an evaluation or recommendation. The RECHARGE platform is a voluntary teaching and learning offer and does not guarantee specific results or services. The platform makes no claim to completeness of the content presented and focuses primarily on methodological approaches without providing a comprehensive presentation of all available techniques or strategies. Technical content is deliberately simplified in order to primarily impart methodological knowledge with a focus on BIM working methods. The content of this platform is created by students for students and is only intended as a supporting resource. The use of the content of the website is at the user's own risk. No responsibility is assumed for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Parts of the pages or the entire offer may be changed, supplemented or deleted without prior notice. Any liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. This also applies to all connections (“links”) to which this website refers directly or indirectly. Only their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.

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