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BIM Practice & Experience


With the RECHARGE project, we are launching the digital future together. It is a journey to learn about and apply digital planning in construction, in particular building information modeling. The trip is designed as self-study, as many university curricula give too little time and space to this topic. The website supports students in acquiring methodological knowledge, thus relieving the burden of face-to-face teaching at the university and creating space for further learning goals.

BIM Starter

We start our journey with the BIM Starter. With him, we discover the world of digital planning. The BIM Starter includes a brief introduction to the topic of digital planning methods. Using a simple 3D model, the user gets an impression of the functionality of the planning method and can test the interactivity of the model and the learning platform based on initial questions. The BIM Starter provides guidance on the further journey and offers four training courses to train BIM-specific roles. Training offers for BIM authors, BIM users, BIM coordinators and BIM managers are available.

BIM trainer

The BIM trainer accompanies you on a journey through the world of digital methods. Step by step, the course takes you through a BIM planning process, taking into account the chosen role. If the learner follows the training offer for BIM authors, the interrelationships of model creation are worked on. The result is a 3D model taking BIM into account. The model is enriched with information. Geometries and content are checked and collaborative work processes are initiated. This is how the learner makes his way. As a BIM user, I learn how to use an already finished 3D model to derive information, visualize the model or calculate construction costs. The focus here is on practical applications involving the 3D model. The trainer for BIM coordination and management highlights topics related to collaborative collaboration within the planning team, coordination processes, reviews, authorizations and approvals, and much more.

BIM Nuggets

Self-study is supported by the Knowledge Library, filled with so-called “nuggets,” which summarize a variety of learning opportunities on various topics. A nugget deals with a self-contained topic - often the nugget introduces the use of software applications or explains the flow of use cases in the BIM method. In addition, the library also has theory nuggets that clarify terminology and provide theoretical background information. The BIM Nuggets supports learners on their journey through the digital planning world with extensive background knowledge. A variety of learning formats are used:

Video tutorials

Video tutorials are crucial for teaching digital planning methods. Through visual instructions, they offer a practical learning experience, facilitate access to complex concepts and promote self-directed learning. Students can navigate, pause, and repeat at their own pace, which increases efficiency. Interactivity promotes the application of what has been learned in real scenarios. Video tutorials enable flexible, easily accessible and effective transfer of knowledge about digital planning methods.


Tasks that aim to apply learned knowledge play a decisive role in the learning process. They challenge students to make practical use of the knowledge they have acquired. The exercise enables students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real environment. These tasks not only promote understanding, but also strengthen the ability to solve problems.

Click tutorial

Click-on tutorials provide an effective way to guide learners through complex application processes. Through clear, step-by-step instructions, they enable students to develop practical skills. This interactive form of learning promotes a hands-on understanding of digital planning methods and provides structured guidance. This not only makes it easier to understand the steps, but also allows learners to repeat the process themselves to deepen their skills. Click tutorials are therefore a valuable tool for translating theoretical knowledge into practice-relevant skills.


The quiz is a dynamic and interactive form of learning that deepens knowledge in a fun way. By answering questions, participants can consolidate their knowledge. These short, focused tests not only encourage retrieval of information, but also reflect what you have learned. The quiz is a fun and effective way to check comprehension and actively involve learners.


In the form of regular audio episodes, we provide entertainment on various topics of digital planning methodology. The special thing about podcasts is the variety of content and the flexible consumpbility, which enables listeners to absorb information during various activities. The informal, often personal way of communicating in podcasts creates an accessible learning environment. This promotes a deep understanding of the topics covered and provides an alternative way of absorbing knowledge.


Reels are a contemporary way of sharing knowledge because they are visually appealing and present information in a compact and entertaining way. In educational contexts, we use these learning videos or explanatory videos to be able to teach complex concepts in a short period of time. They are particularly suitable for keeping viewers' attention. Through animations, music and concise information, Reels offer an appealing way to impart knowledge that fits in well with today's media consumption and interaction behavior.