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AI in the design process


In recent years, digital transformation has strongly influenced and largely revolutionized not only architecture, but also the way we design, plan and build. The use of digital technologies opens up new ways and methods for solving complex problems and is changing the architectural process and visual communication. One of these new technologies, which is currently increasingly being used by architects in the design process, is artificial intelligence, or AI for short. This term describes the area of computer science that deals with the creation of machines that are able to carry out human-like cognitive processes such as learning and problem solving.

In recent years, and particularly with the launch of Chat GPT and Dall-E in 2022, AI has become increasingly important in various areas, including construction. This rapidly evolving technology can already be used in many areas of application of the design process. Generative artificial intelligences are usually used, which are able to generate new content based on patterns and characteristics that they have learned from the data they have analyzed. Examples include text, image or audio generators, which create new, unprecedented content in seconds or optimize content that has already been created by entering short lines of text, so-called prompts. As a result of these technical possibilities, not only the profession of architect but also the creative work process is currently changing significantly.

In response to the observation of this technical change in the design process, the topic “AI in the design process” was addressed in the RECHARGE research project. Here, tutors from the Department of Architecture had the opportunity to investigate the reliability and support of AI in the architectural design process. The results were exhibited at the Experience:Space of the Patrice Lumumba Gallery in Berlin as part of the University Future:Festival23. The results can be viewed in the Gallery's digital replica.