Conference of the “Japanese Society for Engineering Education” on the topic “International Cooperation in Engineering Education - What is Peace Education in Engineering?”
At the 71st JSEE Annual Conference (September 6-8, 2023), results from the AUFLADEN project were presented with the topic “Enhanced Learning and Teaching through AR:Case Studies on Design-Build Projects.” The article explores the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology into the education of architecture students. It shows how AR changes and improves learning and teaching. The article presents this on the basis of three recent design-build projects from the AUFLADEN project.
The results of the workshops carried out show many positive aspects of integrating AR into the design and manufacturing process for students. The workshop character combined with AR as teaching content provides students with a collaborative and interactive learning environment that helps them to better understand complex forms and structures in architecture
Kawasaki J., Grunwald, G.: Enhanced learning and teaching through AR. Case studies on design build projects, ConferencePaper, 71th JSEE Annual Conference, September 2023, ISSN2424-1466,