

04 | BIM Coordinator

This course covers the knowledge to efficiently implement and coordinate Building Information Modeling (BIM). The focus is on implementation of BIM standards, communication and coordination, quality controls and conflict checks in the form of practical tasks to train yourself to carry out coordination tasks in the area of BIM.


In Progress...

More content will follow here shortly.

01 - Content of the BIM Coordinator module


In this module, you'll test your modeling skills using Solibri's BMC software. Using IFC sample files, you can cross-check your specially created IFC models.

Role description

BIM coordinators are project members who take on the following tasks as part of a BIM project:

  • Coordinates the creation of digital delivery items in-house
  • Acts as the primary point of contact for the overall BIM coordinator and the BIM manager
  • Provides coordination models for your own trade
  • Supports the overall BIM coordinator in creating comprehensive coordination models
  • Monitors compliance with the required information qualities within the company
  • Prepares regular reports on the quality of the digital deliverables to be delivered
  • Responsible for the digital provision of delivery items in-house

They define and coordinate tasks and responsibilities based on BIM processes and BIM applications. They ensure the contractually agreed quality of the data model within a company and the error-free exchange of data. To do this, they coordinate the company's internal BIM authors in developing the data model and initiate approvals by the overall BIM coordinator at project-specific intervals.


The BIM coordinator checks the internal functional and sub-models for conflicts and content errors (e.g. illegal element types or missing information).

Content of the module

In the “BIM coordinator” module, you check a CAD model for incorrect overlaps and any discrepancies (non-conformities, NC for short) in relation to the specifications of the client information requirements (AIA for short). To do this, you will use Solibri's BIM-based model checking (BMC) software, in which you read in your IFC model, carry out a model classification, define rules for the automated check and carry out a model check based on this. You will then be able to interpret the NC findings independently and document them via BCF (BIM Collaboration Format). You will send the BCF file to the BIM authors as a new revision in order to rectify the identified non-conformities within the model-based planning process.

Objectives of the module

  • Knowledge of the tasks of the BIM coordinator
  • Model-based exchange of information between BIM author and BIM coordinator
  • Model testing using Solibri BMC software
  • Interpreting, creating, and exporting a BCF file

Theory required for this module

The following theoretical components are required to complete this module.

02 - Task for the BIM coordinator


Please read the IFC file sample-model-gr.ifc and the IFC file from section B1, in accordance with AIA in Solibri. If you have uploaded the IFC files, perform a model check by declaring the IFC model B1 with the abbreviation “STATICS” and the discipline “STATICS” and the sample model with the discipline “ARCHITECTURE” and the short name “ARCH”. Make sure the component objects are correctly classified. If the test results are incorrect, please read the results report carefully and prepare a results report, which you send as a BCF file to the responsible BIM author. Ask the responsible BIM author to improve the IFC model. Repeat the process until all discrepancies are resolved. Repeat the previous procedure for the ground floor and the roof and use the respective IFC sample file (sample-model-eg.ifc, sample-model-roof.ifc).

Also check the structural model, TGA and the overall model.

Specifically, the task includes the following steps:

  • Read sample model size ifc
  • Read FC file from section B1
  • Declaration of models in accordance with the task
  • Add classification in accordance with the tutorial
  • Perform a model check
  • Check results and fggs. Formulate results reports via BCF
  • Send discrepancies via BCF to the responsible BIM author for correction

Documents provided

  • AIA
  • Sample model size IFC
  • Sample model-eg.ifc
  • Sample model roof.ifc
  • Pattern-model-Gesambauwerk.ifc
  • automatic verification overall rule set.cset
  • Model elements architecture and statics in accordance with DIN276.classification

Password: aufladendownloads

03 - Software for the BIM coordinator

Installing Solibri

To install and activate the software, please request your login details and install the software from the cloud. To activate, please enter your assigned email address and password.

1. Apply for a license key

You can get the license key from us by sending us an email request to We will then send you the email address you want to use, including password.

2. Download and install the installation file

Download the file from the following link:

Password: w5qC4rqppp

3. Activation

Open Solibri Office and enter the email address assigned to you. Then enter the password assigned to you (it may be that the password must be entered manually).

04 - Model quality check & BCF export

What is BMC?

BIM-based model checking (kurz BMC) bietet die Möglichkeit „die Modellierungsqualität eines BIM-Modells regelbasiert auf geometrische Kollisionen sowie weitere spezifische Bauteileigenschaften zu überprüfen. Anhand einer oder mehrere IFC-Modelle lassen sich Räume, Massen und Mengen auswerten sowie Kollisions- und Mängelberichte erstellen. Neben den Funktionen zur Modellanalyse und Qualitätsprüfung verfügen BMC-Applikationen zusätzlich über Kommunikations- und Koordinationsfunktionen.“ Die Ergebnisse der Modellprüfung werden in der Regel über BCF mit den BIM-Autoren kommuniziert.

The current software programs for rule-based model testing would be in Germany Ceapoint Desite MD and Solibri Model Checker.

BMC with Solibri

“Solibri Model Checker™ is a software tool that analyzes building information models for integrity, quality and physical security. Solibri Model Checker makes the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) process as easy as possible by X-raying the building model. Vulnerabilities and gaps in the design are revealed. It highlights component conflicts and verifies that the model complies with building codes and the organization's own best practices (see figure below).”

Before you start here, make sure you understand the basics of Solibri. To learn the basics, you can do the Solibri nugget use.

What do I need BMC for?

Working with a BMC application is essential for internal and cross-project quality control. While in the past, quality checks were carried out on the basis of printed construction plans, using the BIM method, the modeled objects, their property sets and the object compositions are checked directly in the BIM model. Since BIM models (reference models, technical models, coordination models) usually consist of countless objects with different properties, an apparent check is not sufficient to:

  • Overlaps (internal components or in the coordination model between ARCH/TGA, ARCH/TWP, TWP/TGA, ARCH/TWP/TGA, or rooms)
  • property sets
  • Room geometries, positions and properties
  • model structures
  • Open space in corridors, in front of windows and doors
  • or other deficiencies

to identify, mark, prioritize, schedule and personalize in the model.

What rules are provided?

This trainer initially focuses purely on self-taught testing of your own modeling skills. You will receive a sample model for each level so that you can check the models you have created yourself. The following points are checked in detail:

  1. Overlaps with the pattern model
  2. Conformity between sample model and own model
  3. Comparison between sample model and own model
  4. General inspection of rooms
  5. Model structure review
  6. Open space in front (doors, windows, corridors)
  7. components below/above (walls; beams; ceilings;...)
  8. Review of property sets

Solibri - Create your own ruleset [Quix]

Solibri - Import and Model Check [Quix]

Solibri - Create BCF file [Quix]

Password: recharge downloads

05 - Upload digital delivery items to the CDE

Upload digital delivery items to the CDE

ATTENTION! This step is only possible and necessary with access to the CDE. Access is available upon request from the CHARGING team.







disclaimer: The software solutions presented on this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended as an evaluation or recommendation. The RECHARGE platform is a voluntary teaching and learning offer and does not guarantee specific results or services. The platform makes no claim to completeness of the content presented and focuses primarily on methodological approaches without providing a comprehensive presentation of all available techniques or strategies. Technical content is deliberately simplified in order to primarily impart methodological knowledge with a focus on BIM working methods. The content of this platform is created by students for students and is only intended as a supporting resource. The use of the content of the website is at the user's own risk. No responsibility is assumed for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Parts of the pages or the entire offer may be changed, supplemented or deleted without prior notice. Any liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. This also applies to all connections (“links”) to which this website refers directly or indirectly. Only their operators are responsible for the content of the linked pages.

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