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Build with AR


As a result of the advent of digital transformation, the entire construction industry has changed massively in recent years. New technologies open up new ways to solve complex problems. The limits of what is feasible are shifting and offer space to rethink. One of these technologies is augmented reality (AR) glasses, which also simplify work processes in architecture and particularly support the design, implementation and production of planned objects.

AR-based planning

With HoloLens 2 and Fologram software, planners are able to view designs in real time as an augmented reality image and also edit them parametrically. This makes it possible to project a planned object into its real environment in original size. AR makes it possible to embed planning in the construction context on a scale of 1:1. The use of parametrics also creates the options for fine adjustment, optimization and adjustment.

AR-based manufacturing

During the manufacturing process, the glasses help the user produce even the most complex structures. According to previous editing in Grasshopper, the instructions are displayed directly in the user's field of view.


This technology could be tried out and used with students as part of the compulsory elective course “Built with TAR.” In this course, parametric designs were developed and manufactured using AR technology. Prepared knowledge nuggets on the topics of Rhino, Grasshopper and Fologram provided the basis for learning. Results from the course were exhibited in the Experience:Space at Future:Festival 23.