

14.6.2023 13:00
15.6.2023 13:00
Istanbul, Türkei

Using 3D printing & augmented reality in architecture

In the architectural design process, 3D printing can be a helpful and supportive technique for producing objects layer by layer to illustrate ideas. However, scaling at a scale of 1:1 results in quickly visible limits. Homogeneous materials and simplified designs are often required, which contradicts the goal of constructing highly complex shapes. Augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, offers a visual advantage by using devices such as AR glasses to layer computer-generated content over the physical world. Using the Fologram software, 3D models are projected into reality through AR glasses, making it possible to manipulate designs in real time. In the contribution to the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architectureand Urbanism 2023, a case study illustrates the application of the limits of 3D printing and AR in the production of complex structures.

Design of a parametric structure

The study focuses on a geometrically complex tower that was created using the Rhino and Grasshopper parametric design software. The 1:1 scale of the tower is projected into the physical world using Fologram and AR glasses, which allows adjustments to the final geometry in real time. In the so-called scripting process, the designed structure of the tower is broken down into individual parts or layers, which provides the information for manufacturing the tower. Furthermore, the need for additional information is defined, such as material specifications, in order to optimize the tower's manufacturing process.

The result

The built tower was exhibited at the University Future:Festival 2023 in Berlin to demonstrate the integration of virtual, augmented and real reality through AR glasses. The tower symbolically illustrates the evolving design and manufacturing process and shows the effects of new technologies on the construction industry.

More creative freedom in the design process

The use of new manufacturing technologies has expanded creative freedom in architecture, with 3D printing already becoming the standard and AR becoming increasingly important in manufacturing. AR makes it easier to seamlessly transfer digital information into the real world, improves communication and optimizes processes. The results of the study underscore the evolving nature of design and manufacturing, which requires technical understanding and design knowledge.

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