
Oldenburger BIM Tag

5.9.2022 13:00
9.9.2022 13:00
Oldenburg, Germany

BIM Game, “Jade Works”

As part of the 9th Oldenburg BIM Day, a specialist conference on digitization in construction and as a prelude to the CHARGING project launched on 01.09.2022, the BIM Game teaching method was offered at Jade University. The BIM Game was held as a 3-day workshop under the name “Jade Works”, a continuing education for those interested in architecture and civil engineering as well as people from the private sector.

Taking into account realistic competitive conditions, the planning of a campus workshop for the university was carried out in groups of four to five people. Responsibilities were distributed within each group and participants were assigned different roles. Cooperation within the groups took place decentrally, directly on the 3D model. The work was carried out in direct competition with other groups and coordinated through regular construction meetings. The time limits were tight: Interim reports and knowledge of partial results from other groups increased the pressure on those involved. Results had to be delivered precisely and, above all, on time. A work portal controlled the entire game, structured the process steps and checked the services provided. At the conference, the three best designs were finally presented and honored.

The playful competition atmosphere had a motivating effect on everyone involved. It helped to reduce fears of contact with new technologies, promoted digital communication and provided knowledge about the benefits and performance of various digital planning tools.

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