In 2015, the CEN/TC 442 standardization body for "Building Information Modelling (BIM)" was established at European level. Its main task is to develop a structured set of standards and reports that should establish methods for defining, describing, exchanging, monitoring and recording asset data, as well as for the secure handling of this data, semantics and processes with appropriate links to geodata and other external data.
CEN/TC 442 is divided intofour working groups:
The "Strategy and Planning" working group, based in Great Britain, deals with overarching planning aspects.
The Exchange Information working group, based in Germany, focuses on the exchange of information.
The "Information Delivery Specification" working group is led by Austria and is dedicated to the central question of who delivers what, when, in what quality and who is responsible for checking it.
The Data Dictionary working group based in France defines a standardized data dictionary.
The Information Delivery Specification working group in Austria is working intensively on organizing information delivery and clarifying responsibilities for its verification. These efforts play a crucial role in the effective use of BIM in construction projects.