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Das AUFLADEN Lab ist ein Experimentierraum für das Lehren und Lernen digitaler Technologien und Methoden. Die Ergebnisse werden gesammelt, publiziert und in Fachartikeln, auf Konferenzen und auch hier im Laborbereich von AUFLADEN präsentiert.


[1]  Grunwald, G., Kawasaki, J., Hanke, T., Eidam J.,“Robotic Process Automation to increase teaching efficiency in higher education”, Conference Paper of 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Research, Social Scienceand Humanities (APCERSSH 2023), Bangkok, September 2023, DOI:,

[2] Grunwald, G., Heins, C. (2024). BIM Game: A Testing Ground for Specifying, Modelling, Evaluating and Visualising Information in IFC Formats. In: Kang, T. (eds) Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture. ICCEA 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 369. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-4049-3_52

[3] Bhat, V., Grunwald,G., Hanke, T.: “Understanding BIM through a Simulation Game - Case study of Indian Students subjectedto this course”. ISARC 2023 Conference Paper, 40th International Symposiumon Automation and Robotics in Construction, July 2023, DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2023/0044, Full Paper

[4] Hanke, T., Kawasaki, J., Grunwald G.: Manufacturing processes of complexshapes and structures using 3D printing and augmented reality in 6thInternational Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism –Full paper proceedings of ICCAUA2023, 14-16 June 2023 Editors: Ahmad Nia, H.and Rahbarianyazd R., E-ISBN: 978-605-71006-7-2, Full Paper

[5] Kawasaki J., Grunwald, G.: Enhanced learning and teaching through AR. Casestudies on design build projects, Conference Paper, 71th JSEE AnnualConference, September 2023, ISSN 2424-1466, 10.20549/jseeen.2023.0_18

[6] Grunwald G., Robbers, L. Designing Rooms-for-Play as/through DigitalTools, Conference Paper of 2023 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference “Educating theCosmopolitan Architect”, Reykjavik, June 2023, Abstract

[7] Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen KI im Entwurfsprozess: Virtuelle Tour


 [1] Internetseite Fachbereich Architektur: 

 [2] BIM Game 2022: 

 [3] Landesmeisterschaften Digital Construction in Niedersachsen

 [4] University:Future Festival 2023

 [5] Mittelstand Digital

 [6] AUFLADEN Launch

 [7] BIM Herbstmeeting

 [8] Symposium

 [9] ICCAUA 2023

 [10] Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre

 [11] Drivers for Wood Construction

 [12] University:Future Festival 2024